Tale of Lucky Otter Space (🦦,🦦)

4 min readNov 20, 2021

It is undeniable that new wave of cryptocurrency is taking in place and splash inevitable torrents of socioeconomic movement in the modern civilization.

Despite the positive impact cryptocurrency unveils to broader community of financial entrants as the medium of novel storehold of wealth and also the lubricants to create and prosper financial gains, however, it is important to address that large array of underbanked community and new entrants are marginalized due to entry of barrier caused by lack of resources in effective educational contents catered for beginners in layman terms.


So, our founding developers and evangelists decided to jump in and create a social portal where both advanced and novice community members can not only have fun but also share communal efforts to educate and evangelize DeFi use-cases, to unlock and underpin the value of DAO, and to prosper and profit off from collective contributions both in and out of our community.

As par with the consensus of devs and community builders, the best use-case scenario for distributed team to onboard mass implementation was via game.

Since interactive learning experience catalyzed by financial rewards has proven to be effective in nature of human psychology, it is very much of humbling and fulfilling experiment to cater mass users without preliminary understanding and knowledge of intricate blockchain knowledges to fully immerse in Otter ecosystem and learn concept of DeFi by partaking in skin.

Prospective users will be given sets of tools and functional utilities built in game feature to explore their own unique sets of worldview, interact with friends, adventure various missions, and advance themselves into more compatible and rare characters to boost their in-game play strategy.

The mini series of arcade style games will be presented and users can utilize NFT market place to buy, sell, and borrow/lend in-game features in their own discretion without intermediary interference. No worldview will be identical to each users. Users are sovereign entities in metaverse and they are the sole proprietors of their game dynamics. Buckle up and get ready-!

Hello (🦦,🦦)

Some people might ask or might be curious why Otters?

In native culture, otters symbolize friendship, peace, kindness, and family. Such characters resonated among founding evangelists and moreover its type of community that is needed in this space. Although it may sound very much of Utopian extreme, team eagerly yearn for the place where not only users have fun and earn financial gains but beyond that the place where the bonds among community is cohesive and network effects are widespread and sticky.

Further than that, otters are mischievous and curious and that’s very much of assets all creatures may learn from. Their adventurous and curious mindsets allow more room of advancement and it’s exactly the mindset the DeFi community shall carry for constant improvements.

So, what can we expect?

Well, first, let’s get you a lucky otter who will be life-spanning companion until you are burnt out of missions 🦦

Users will be given an otter and home during the nascent phase of the game. From in-game purchases to improve and decorate home to build aquarium where lucky otters will be able to store the $FISH tokens, otters will stay busy hoarding necessary tools to embark on the adventure.

$FISH will be the native currency of the metaverse meaning much of transactional activities in game will need to be spent by $FISH. More information will be disclosed so stay tuned!

Not only otters can acquire $FISH by completing in-game missions and through social functions, but also the DeFi fabrics will be smeared into metaverse seamlessly.

Otters will be able to reap $FISH by farming, liquidity provisioning, and aquarium will serve as the built in wallet to store the $FISH tokens.

Happy Otter (🦦,🦦)

The accumulated $FISH can be spent for in-game purchases in marketplace where otters can acquire tools to create his/her/their empire. From a farm to city to his/her/their own world, the possibility is endless.

While otters enrich his/her/their inbound base, they can also partake in various adventures to amuse themselves. By completing adventures and missions, otters will be able to claim $FISH as of the rewards.

Remember. Curious otters will always stay curious and will not stay idle to settle in sedentary places. The faster and more agile otters achieve the missions, the otters will have chance to transport to other universe and expand their territories.

May your lucky otters bring glories and take you to the moon!


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